Teaching Experience
  • Python, National Taiwan University, February 2022 - Current
    Mentored 100+ students in their team projects and contributed to designing assignments.
    Earned 4.35/5.0 score from students' feedback on the teaching assistant's course evaluation.

  • C#, National Taiwan University, July 2022 - August 2022
    Received the National Summer College Excellent Teaching Assistant Award. "She is the best TA I have ever had in my 30 years of teaching career." by Shyh-Kang Jeng, Professor Emeritus at NTU.
    Earned 4.89/5.0 score from students' feedback on the teaching assistant's course evaluation.

  • Genetic Algorithms, National Taiwan University, February 2021 - June 2021
    Took notes during lectures and shared them for review after class.
    Earned 4.96/5.0 score from students' feedback on the teaching assistant's course evaluation.

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, National Taiwan University, September 2018 - January 2019
    This course is taught in English.
    Earned 4.0/5.0 score from students' feedback on the teaching assistant's course evaluation.

  • Calculus, National Chengchi University, September 2015 - June 2016
    Assisted in a calculus tutorial session by answering students' questions.

   Invited Talks

LaTeX Paper Workshop (Mechanical Engineering Department at National Taiwan University, May 2024)
Teaching Taiwanese graduate students how to use LaTeX for academic writing, I provided detailed instructions on creating tables/figures, as well as on citing scholarly references. Additionally, I offered guidance on using LaTeX to create slides with Beamer. The audience feedback was positive, including remarks such as 'Good talk,' 'Excellent,' and 'I like the workshop.'


The Research on Genetic Algorithm and Genetic Programming (Japan Science and Technology Agency - Sugiyama CREST Meeting at Kyoto University, March 2024)
Researchers involved in the JST CREST research project "Machine Learning that connects to Symbolic Reasoning" will participate and present their research to exchange insights and promote research progress.


Facilitating discussions on teaching challenges and solutions (Center for Teaching and Learning Development at National Taiwan University, December 2023)
Serving as the event host, I facilitate discussions among teaching assistants to address various teaching challenges, pinpoint appropriate solutions, and enhance practical skills.


Notion/HackMD Note-taking Tutorial (Rotary Club of Taipei Midtown, February 2023) Record video
Teaching how to utilize Notion/HackMD software, covering its versatile functionalities such as creating tables, adjusting font settings, incorporating reminders, fostering teamwork collaboration, addressing audience inquiries, and sharing personal learning experiences and techniques.


Sharing of Excellent Teaching Assistant Experiences (National Summer College at National Taiwan University, December 2022) Record video
Sharing experience as a teaching assistant, including strategies for transitioning from physical to online courses, effective teaching techniques, fostering students' problem-solving skills, and integrating future large-scale language model tools.

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